Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Okay, while I'm on a roll.. Ill take up the Stewart challenge and post a little blogroll and sources for engaging Economics nerdcrap.

http://www.econtalk.org/ Lots of podcasts with a decidedly libertarian bend.

http://www.nessnet.eu/ A bit of a different/critical take on economics, without getting super irrelevant. they also have a monthly news letter.

http://rwer.wordpress.com/ An unorthodox take on economics, they also have a news letter.

http://www.debtdeflation.com/blogs/ Steve Keen an ultra post-keynesian has a little blog here, he's pretty awesome. Anyone interested in a critical take on neo-classical economics while retaining the common sense should check him out. He's also got a PILE of stuff online.

http://www.zerohedge.com/ Fun commentary on the world of finance and economics.

http://unlearningeconomics.wordpress.com/ Bam! Ultra critical blog of conventional/neoclassical economics, (you knew it was coming.)

http://nakedkeynesianism.blogspot.ca/ more stuff.

http://anti-mankiw.blogspot.ca/ anti-mankiw, the name says it all, as long as you know who Mankiw is anyways.

http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/ obviously, everyone and their Mom knows who Krugman is, and everyone and their Mom should be atleast slightly interested in what he has to say, as he does hold alot of sway over the liberal hearts in the world today.

http://blog-imfdirect.imf.org/bloggers/olivier-blanchard/ No reason to read Blanchard specifically, I just recently read a blogpost by him about Greece.. He writes textbooks. And he Blogs like a textbook.. Someone probably cares about what he has to say..

http://blog-imfdirect.imf.org/ More stuff from the IMF.

AAAND finally:

http://maxkeiser.com/ I watch his show, The Keiser Report, usually the day it comes out. Its VERY satirical, pretty funny and free to find in its entirety on Youtube.. You might want to burn a banker or something after watching him.

So hopefully this list is cool for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Decent List, read Krugman, Keen and Kaiser myself but haven't heard of the others. I would like to add:

    http://marginalrevolution.com/ (everything from economics, to culture to science)
    (Almost exclusively on monetary policy)
    (the real greg mankiw....)
    (Matt Yeglasis)
    (libertarians with bleeding hearts! they do exists!)

    I recommend starting with Krugman and then filter through the rest...Krugman ussually sets the tone for the debate or says something really crazy and everyone else attacks him...

