Thursday, 29 March 2012

Daily Quote.

Greetings fellow proles!

                         I've had the incredibly ambitious idea today to have a daily quote, so today I'm going to post a quote - and to be perfectly honest with you, it will probably be the last, but it will still be known as the daily quote. Anyways, 'today' its from Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation. The book rules, and everyone should read it.. I know the quote is fairly obscure and I figure that only one of the 3 people that have been on this blog might actually find it interesting but heres to the dark intersections of politics and economics!

"Hobbes' grotesque vision of the state - a human Leviathan whose vast body was made up of an infinite number of human bodies - was dwarfed by the Ricardian construct of the labour market: a flow of human lives the supply of which was regulated by the amount of food put at their disposal."


1 comment:

  1. I love how pretentious the blog looks now! Also what a great idea!
